This is my research into film posters for my task, this shows the codes and conventions for a gerneral film posters.

From this poster you can tell that the film is a horror as it uses a dark backgroud, also the special effects used shows the audience that it is a horror. It again like other posters uses a picture of one character and is a simple poster with little text on it.

This poster foe Iron Man 2 just has a picture of the main character, this makes it striking and powerful, you can also tell this by the characters facial expression. It is quite a simple picture and does not have much text, this stops it becoming boring.
This poster for The Dark Knight uses the same idea as the Iron Man 3 poster it just shows one of the main characters, the backgroud is darker this tells you it is a dark scary film. It also uses the main symbol of the film, the bat this is iconic for this type of film and the audience recognise for this that it is a Batman film.

This poster uses more characters on it and has lighter background colours this tells the audience it is a light hearted comedy film. It is still a simple poster like the other posters as it does not have much text and uses the main characters so it can be recognised.
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