From the trailer of Black Swan I have seen that fast moving images are the main component to a thriller trailer, in this trailer the images start of slow with a lot of dialogue. The trailer then pciks up pace gradually with decreasing amounts of dialogue, untill eventually there is no dialogue and just flashing images. Suspense music is used throughout this trailer which also starts of slow and builds tension up untill the end of the trailler. Close ups are used regulary to capture the characters changing emotions, this combined with a handheld camera effect shows the audience her state of mind aswell as making them feel as it is more realistic. At the end of the trailer one slow moving image is shown this is done to make the audience want to see what going to happen to that character and want to go and see the film. During the end of the trailer the title of the film aswell as the directors and actors names are shown, this part did not last very long so it does not bore the audience.

The limitless trailer uses a similar technique to the black swan trailer as it uses slowly increasing pace of images, nut it uses more dilalogue within the trailer. The trailer shows how the characters life develops in the film within a short space of time, this makes the audience want to find out what happens without revealing too much. The title, directors and actors names are shown at the end of the trailer just like the black swan trailer.